Monday, March 9, 2009

A Look at Where We Are and Where We Are Headed

"With the current market condition around the country and abroad, it is becoming increasingly apparent that there will be substantial struggles ahead both at the local markets as well as the global markets for the remainder of 2009 and most probably into 2010."

We have all heard these or similar sentiments and they have become almost elementary in nature. With that acknowledgement, for those with a continued income, there has rarely been a real estate market with such upside potential then that of the DFW and surrounding areas.

While we are hardly in what I would consider a robust real estate market, we are in exactly the right place to get in a good deal if you are in a position to do so. Just look at a few points:
1.) Extremely low interest rates (cheap money)
2.) High Inventory**
3.) Low Home Prices - This years inventory at last years prices.

I will be posting updates on a monthly basis that shows what the market is doing using multiple technical references. I expect to date back to October of 2008 and bring us up to date on the last few months.

Stay tuned for updates showing the numbers and an interpretation of what those numbers mean.

**The inventory is down in quantity, however, the transactions are down at a higher rate, thus the inventory is at a high number based on transactions - this interprates as a longer inventory guide of up to 7 months, where recent history has been 4 to 6 months.

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